Expansion and Development Orthodontic Appliances

Leaf Spring

Activated Expander


The leaf spring activated expander is a brilliant new idea in expansion appliances.  It features nickel titanium leaf springs which are activated chair side, relieving the patient of the responsibility for activating the appliance.  The nickel titanium leaf springs may be activated up to 6mm at a time by turning the screw in the traditional manner which compresses the spring which then provide calibrated and continuous force to expand the arch.  The expander is available in 6 mm and 9mm sizes and  is available with 450 or 900 gram springs.

Rapid Palatal Expander



The RPE is an all metal expansion appliance typically providing sutural separation of 11 mm to 13 mm in a very short period of time. Activation of the screw produces approximately .25 mm of lateral expansion. A four-banded RPO is also available.

(Exspider) Fan Type RPE



This screw has a 9 mm Fan type expansion to symmetrically expand anteriors laterally with minimal posterior movement. The screw is ideal for cleft palate patients. Haas-style acrylic can be added for both tissue and tooth borne anchorage.

Bonded RPE Palatal Expander


Bonded RPE

with DE Bonding Loop

The bonded RPE is similar to the banded RPE. This appliance is constructed with acrylic covering the posterior segments, which is then bonded directly to the teeth. To aid in the debonding of this RPE, Q.C. Orthodontics offers the option of debonding loops. This allows it to be gripped and twisted, breaking the seal. Auxiliaries such as Face Mask Hooks, Cribs, Archwire Tubes, and Headgear tubes can be added.

Anatomical RPE




The Anatomical Expander is the ideal solution for patients who need orthopaedic expansion but have a small or narrow  palate.  The small body size and orthogonal position of the arms allow optimal positioning of the expander to provide high stability and  comfort.



Snaplock Expander



The key to efficient and safe expansion. Does not back up. After activation of the spindle, the flat spring snaps in. The activation hole is in the correct position for reactivation. When properly activated by 1/4 turn, both the patient and doctor will feel the screw “snap” in place. If over activated, the Snap Lock Expander can be turned back.

VECS Expander



The VECS™ rapid palatal expander is a patented device, developed to provide the orthodontic industry with an innovative solution for maxillary expansion that is quick, safe and easy to use. Activation of .02 to .025 mm are the industry standard, the VECS screw allows variable expansion. A full rotation opens the screw .02 mm but for apprehensive patients, for example, the screw may be effectively activated any fraction of a turn.

Compact RPE



This 12 mm compact screw increases tongue space, reduces tissue impingement, allows easier access for hygiene and increased patient comfort.

Haas Palatal Expander



The Haas appliance is both tissue and tooth borne and has an extensive amount of palatal acrylic which acts on the palatal mucosa. 11 mm to 13 mm of expansion.

RPE Super Screw



The RPE Super Screw is suggested when a significant amount of lateral development is needed. Bodily, a 12mm super screw is smaller than an 8mm standard RPE. It is easy to adjust with a small hex wrench. It has a visible scale milled into the body of the screw making it easy to monitor the amount of the expansion. It also has a rounded shape for better comfort.


Also available is a 16 mm screw that will give you up to 15 mm of

lateral development.


Note- the cantilever designed Class III hook for face mask attachment.

Nitanium Palatal Expander



The Natanium Palatal Expander is a Fixed/Removable nickel titanium appliance.The expander has a lingual attachment that fits into a horizontal lingual sheath welded to the maxillary molar bands. The appliance has continuous low force on the maxillary teeth and midpalatal suture. This is provided by the wire shape memory at body temperature. 6 mm of expansion is possible with one appliance. A separate removable expander should be used if needing more than 6 mm.

MIA Quad Helix



The MIA Mobile Intraoral Arch is a palatal and lingual appliance.  Traditional Quad Helix appliances are soldered to molar bands and require cementation or re-banding each time you need to place or remove the arch.  The MIA system makes the application less time consuming, offering the advantage of inserting and removing appliances into sheaths pre-welded on bands.  Easy removal and reinsertion allow greater flexibility and control during treatment.


Comfort Quad Helix



The Comfort Quad Helix places the distal helicals near the mesial of the banded molars.  This results in a shorter body than the standard quad helix and as a result is situated higher in the palatal vault than a standard quad helix resulting in less impingement into the tongue space and less likelihood of irritation in the area of the distal helicals.




Quad Helix Appliance



The Quad Helix appliance is used to expand the posterior segments, correct unilateral or bilateral crossbites and align crowded teeth.


Appliance w/ Extensions



The Quad Helix appliance is used to expand the posterior segments, correct unilateral or bilateral crossbites and align crowded teeth.  The Quad Helix w/Extensions is used when the appliance is to be fabricated on the second deciduous molars when first permanent molars are present.  Extensions go back to the distal of the first permanent molars so that they may be included in the expansion.




Wilson 3D Quad Helix



The Wilson 3D Quad Helix is a fixed/removable quad helix.  The appliance is pre-fabricated in several sizes and is inserted and removed via a vertical sheath welded onto the band.  This allows removal, or extraoral adjustment without de-banding and re-cementing.




Ron Bell Quad Helix



The Ron Bell Quad Helix is a modification of the standard quad helix design.  The distal helicals are horizontal to the occlusal plane.  This places the expanding force near the center of the clinical crown as opposed to the  center of rotation in the roots.




Bell Appliance



The Bell appliance is used primarily to correct anterior crossbites where one or two teeth are involved. A light gage double helical spring applies a light, continuous directed force to the center of rotation of the engaged tooth. The result is less tooth tipping. This design moves the teeth in the desired labial direction in an efficient and physiologically tolerable manner. This appliance comes pre activated. This appliance requires a lingual composite button for spring retention.

QC Krieger Appliance



The QC Krieger appliance is used to aid in the correction of Class III malocclusions (anterior crossbite). The coil springs produce a light continuous force against the anterior teeth. The lingual wire should be bonded to the lingual surfaces of the teeth. This pre activated appliance eliminates the need for finger springs, screws, or adjustments. This appliance is ideal if patient cooperation is a concern.

pre treatment


post treatment

Bi Helix Appliance



The Bi Helix is a version of a Quad Helix designed for the mandibular arch. The absence of anterior helixes aid in patient comfort.




Ideal for transverse expansion of mandibular arches where patient compliance is a concern. A tube-like framework is located on half the arch which is connected to a wire and sliding spring.

Williams Appliance



QC orthodontics, in collaboration with Dr Williams has designed the only williams appliance personally approved by Dr. Williams.


Q.C.’s most popular appliance for developing the lower arch is the Dr. Jeff I. Williams’ Appliance. Constructed on the second primary molars with a straight section of .024 (inside diameter) stainless steel tubing. The tubing is laid along the lingual groove of the first permanent molar forward to the middle of the lingual surface of the primary canine. A 4 to 5 cm piece of straight .014 nickel-titanium wire is then inserted into the hollow tubes. As the screw is turned, the Niti wire slides anteriorly to help in aligning the four incisors. The occlusal rests must be bonded to their respective teeth and the niti wire must be bonded to the most lingually rotated incisor to maintain the height of the wire throughout the expansion phase.

IPC (Arnold) E-Arch Expander



The IPC Arnold-E-Arch Expander is ideal for transverse expansion of mandibular arches where patient compliance is a concern. An 040 tube framework is located on half of the arch which is connected to the Inman Power Component IPC on the opposing side. By sliding the collar anteriorly along the IPC compressing the Niti open coil spring against the tube.

Lower Fixed Transverse



The Fixed Transverse appliance is an excellent alternative to a removable Schwartz appliance, particularly in cases where cuspids and molars are tipped lingually and patient cooperation is questionable. Anterior lingual lapsprings can be added as needed to improve incisor rotations.

The “W” Arch

(Porter Appliance)



The “W” Arch is designed similarly to the Quad Helix expansion appliance and can be fabricated on maxillary or mandibular arches.

IPC Mandibular Sagittal



This appliance provides distal molar movement and pressure to the anterior teeth to produce a labial movement. Activation is achieved by compressing the Niti Coil springs against the molar tubes with the positive click collar.

Lip Bumper with Acrylic Pad



The Lip Bumper consists of a labial acrylic pad and wire which inserts through buccal tubes on the molar bands. This appliance also functions to disengage a hyperactive mentalis or orbicularis oris muscle. Removing the resistance of the lip against the teeth allows the tongue to move the incisors forward. The lip bumper may also be used to develop the mandibular arch as it can facilitate lateral movement of the bicuspids.

Adjustable Loop Arch



The Adjustable Loop Lingual Arch applies pressure to the anterior teeth using a lighter gauge wire with adjustable loops. Activation occurs simply by opening the loops that are soldered to the Lingual Arch. The wire is free to slide along the wire in a labial direction.

Upper Schwarz Appliance



This transverse appliance is recommended when there is an arch width deficiency or a bilateral cross bite and also to help eliminate anterior crowding.

Lower Schwarz



When transverse expansion is required in the mandibular arch, the Schwarz can be fabricated to fit the lower arch.

Fixed 3-Way Sagittal


with Molar Distalizing


3-Way Sagittal


Two and Three way Sagittals are primarily used to develop the anterior and posterior segments.


The Upper Fixed Sagittal serves as an alternative to a removable Sagittal in cases where patient compliance is an issue or where retention is difficult.

Lower Fixed Sagittal



The Fixed Sagittal appliance is used as an alternative to the removable sagittal in cases where retention is difficult or patient compliance is an issue.

Hilgers/Tracey/Mini Distalizer



This appliance is intended to expand the maxilla, distalizing the upper molars, unlock the anterior occlusion and create room for erupting cuspids. The mini expansion screw provides up to 12 mm of expansion. Stabilizing wires extend from the primary first molar or bicuspid band to the molars to add rigidity.This unique design provides reliable overall expansion while the pre-activated distalizing springs are passive during the expansion phase. Activation of the TMA™ helical springs is achieved by cutting the pre activation wires.

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